Monday, October 20, 2008

Some University of Arizona Students are Taking Charge

What a great article by Tom Beal on the front page of the Arizona Daily Star this morning A group of students convened an action committee on sustainability last week and are going full speed ahead to say the least.

The students want to compost ALL of the University’s waste, ban Styrofoam, bring in locally grown produce AND reduce congestion in Midtown by making cars available to share on campus. But it doesn’t stop there. They also want the campus grass and greenery to be watered by collected rainwater and the showers in the dorms fed with water heated by the sun. And they want to challenge all the fraternities and sororities to recycle all of their waste. So they have covered water, materials, energy and support. I want to come up with some great resounding shout of support but can’t even begin to find the right words. Stay tuned as Mrs. Green will be calling them so we can hear details on Mrs. Green Goes Mainstream’s radio show.

Dr. Robert Shelton suggested to them that they think outside the box. And so they have.

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